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Welcome to Flexible Electronic and Energy Devices Laboratory

Parallel Lines

FLEXLab @ Korea Univ.

FLEXLab. is a research group in the School of Electrical Engineering
at Korea University, South Korea. We are committed to working on

the development of advanced flexible electronics and energy harvesting/storage devices based on additive manufacturing


2024.03 - A new chapter by joining School of Electrical Engineering at Korea University. 

2023.09 - Woojin and Dongwon joined the group. Welcome!

2022. 12 - Dr. Byeongmoon Lee received the best presentation award at 2022 MRS Fall meeting. Congratulation!

2022. 10 - Dr. Seungjun Chung received the president award at International Conference on Flexible and Printed Electronics. Congratulation!

2022. 10 - Seongkwon received the best poster presentation award at International Conference on Flexible and Printed Electronics. Congratulation!

2022. 09 - Dr. Hoon Yeub Jeong and Jiwoo joined the group. 

2022. 08 - Inho received the best achievement scholarship at KIST. Congratulation!

2022. 03 -  Dr. Junchan Choi, Sumin and Soo-Yeon joined the group. 

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